Only The Thief Knows When and How He Will Attack
A certain amount of modesty prevents any balanced individual from claiming that the reason things are tight is mainly the fault of someone else. The rich rely on the normal human decency of other people to permit them to continue on with their pilfering of the world, its resources and its citizens. In the same way that a bully relies on the reticence of his hapless victim and the paedophile relies on the helplessness and shame of his victim to keep the machinations of exploitation in place and steadily rolling. Power must be an intoxicating drug. It must be a seductive enabler. Studies have shown this. Any given group of people, handed the reins of power for any period, soon abuse that power. People come to believe there is something divine or God-given in their ascent to a position of power or control - whether over other people or even animals. We all recall teachers who seemed to revel in meting out punishment for this or that – detentions, extra home wor...