Diary of Mister Blunt - tales from Five Star Quarantine
quar-an-tine.... you don't have to sound so mean, there's a time for isolation and for the space between... I know you don't understand me or any place I've been.... quar-an-tine you don't have to sound so mean... you got some of the greatest views I ever seen...
I know the breakfast bowl and two weetbix was some kinda low beam, but the meat pie and sauce helped me blow off some steam, please stop sending me weeds and leaves from yonder village green, that ain't no kind of salad, it don't belong in no kind of cuisine, and I'm sorry for scaring the shits out of Suzie when she dropped off the paper bag, I wasn't even in my room yet and I let my disposition sag, she reared back so fast she made it seem like she seen a ghost, "Put a sack on your countenance" she cried, "don't put your face where you ain't supposed," Well I heard that before a time or two in this life of suspect hygiene, but it ain't never knocked the wind quite out of me like the Qatarstrophic quarantine