Leatherbacks and Syrup
I never considered myself a troubadour, or a traveller or a restless soul. I always felt I was a solid, down-to-earth dude with his roots firm and deep in that part of the earth upon which I happened to live at those times when I had such thoughts. I don't just write sentences that way... it's the way I speak, too. Only thing that's removed with the written word are the often-times very long pauses in between thoughts. That sentence might have taken a week to write. That’s the majesty of the written word. You can figure it out over time. That's why I often use so many dots. Some people hate little dots. "Over-punctuation" they call it. “Sloppy, juvenile.” To me they are essential. At their most powerful they are like punctuative footprints walking across a literary gravesite. You can hear the silence in them ... Sssshhhhshshshsh ... hush ... quiet ... They are made of sheepskin ... I remember when I wrote certain songs because I remember wh...